Chairman of the Board of Directors
Message from our President
Dear Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Candidate Colleagues,
In our country, the profession of Patent and Trademark Attorney gained legal status with the Decree Law No. 544 on the Establishment and Duties of the Turkish Patent Institute, which was established on 24 June 1994 under the name of the Turkish Patent Institute. Within the scope of Law No. 6769, which came into force on 10.01.2017, disciplinary provisions regarding Patent and Trademark Attorneyship have also been put into effect.
As of December 2023, the number of active Trademark Attorneys registered in the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent and Trademark Attorneys registry is 703, the number of active patent attorneys is 93, and the number of both Patent Attorneys and Trademark Attorneys is 453, totaling a total of 1249 people actively acting as attorneys in Turkey.
We would like to state first and foremost that, as the Board of Directors elected at the ordinary General Assembly of our Association on February 25, 2022, our primary goal is to cooperate with national and international institutions, organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations regarding our work subjects, to carry out effective work to provide a more effective legal infrastructure for our profession, to increase professional cooperation between colleagues, and to provide more efficient services to our clients at home and abroad.
In addition to our primary goal mentioned above;
Increasing the number of our members so that the professional effectiveness of our association can be stronger and we can spread its activities to all our colleagues,
Increasing the knowledge and experience of both our newly joined colleagues and our experienced colleagues by organizing national and international events such as seminars, symposiums and conferences on various subjects related to our profession,
Providing training to colleague candidates before the Trademark and Patent Attorney Qualification Exams held every two years by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office,
To support our colleagues in resolving the problems that arise in their relations with both other attorneys and the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office while carrying out their services,
Developing cooperation by carrying out joint activities with institutions and other professional organizations that are directly or indirectly related to our profession, such as the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Justice, Universities, Bar Associations, Mediation and Arbitration Institutions,
Organizing study tours abroad to examine industrial property systems and practices on-site and strengthen relations with colleagues in different countries, in cooperation with national Patent and Trademark Offices in other countries and international organizations such as WIPO, EPO, EAPO,
Improving international professional activity and communication by holding national and international meetings,
constitute our other goals.
It is of great importance for the efficiency of our work that you inform us of the problems encountered during the performance of our profession and your suggestions for the development of our profession. We plan periodic meetings in the future, as in the past, to identify such problems and discuss suggestions.
We welcome you, our valued Patent and Trademark Attorney colleagues, to join us as a member, support our work, and contribute by participating personally. We believe that together, we will achieve much more important things.
Many of our colleagues will join us after the Patent Attorney and Trademark Attorney Qualification Exams to be held by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in the first quarter of 2024. We already say “welcome” to them.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the PEM Patent and Trademark Attorneys Association, I would like to thank everyone who contributed and made an effort to establish and develop the Patent and Trademark Attorney profession, all our managers who have served in the Board of Directors and Audit Boards of our Association so far, and our colleagues who contributed as members, and I offer my heartfelt love and respect to you, our valued colleagues
December 2023
Uğur G. YALÇINER PEM Chairman of the Board